Following discussions of the COAG Disability Reform Council, Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Stuart Robert, has announced new measures to ensure essential support is in place for NDIS participants, workers and providers through the COVID-19 outbreak. What COVID-19 means for participants: NDIS plans to be extended by up to 24 months, ensuring conti ...
Bundaberg dad joins the race
Bundaberg’s Steve Richter is a professional photographer, cyclist and father who has always set his own course. At 44 years of age, he still cycles competitively, using the ring road and the streets of Bundaberg as his training grounds. Most mornings he will cover at least 40 kilometres - on his back. Steve's vehicle of choice is not conventional; his hand-cycle allows him to ...
Bundaberg learns the local bus routes at Try Before U Ride
LEARNING the benefits of a modern commute was the order the day at the PCYC, as people of all ages and abilities came together for a special tour of Bundaberg. Sitting aboard a brand new Mercedes’-powered bus driven by Duffy’s City Buses Manager Chris Duffy, the passengers were taking part in a ‘Try Before u Ride’ session. Organised by IWC in partnership with the PCY ...

Bundaberg ladies join the sisterhood cycle
A little sewing circle in Bundaberg is including people with disability in its efforts to help women in the third world.

Baileys celebrate NDIS milestone with first ever family holiday
The Bailey family has celebrated their NDIS progress with their first ever family holiday.

Happy birthday Corey!
Corey Hebbard makes huge strides with NDIS.

Brodie does his bit for Childers
Childers teen Brodie Bache has made the most of 2018, winning multiple awards and ticking off several major milestones on the path to independence.

Aunty Lyn celebrates her time in Bundaberg
Lyn Wishnewski, LAC, has featured in the Bundaberg NewsMail's Lyn Wishnewski features in the Bundaberg NewsMail's Seniors Guide to Living feature (December 6, 2018), telling her story in the public eye.

Summer meets the Governor
Summer Farrelly has traveled from Bundaberg to Brisbane to receive a special award at Government House.

National NDIS approval rises
NDIS satisfaction are improving nationally, following early challenges in initial test sites.
Find your care provider based on your needs
Postal address
PO Box 1963
Bundaberg, Qld 4670
184 Barolin St
Bundaberg, Qld 4670
Phone: 1300 492 492
Fax: 07 3009 0478
It’s good to know I can get what I need, not being told when my therapies are, or where I’m going. In the past, that’s how it’s been. As I see it, the NDIS is the only way to go.
Giovanni, NDIS participant