IWC's major focus is to improve and support Indigenous and non-Indigenous people, and the vulnerable and disadvantaged people across the Bundaberg and Wide Bay / Burnett.
Changes to ILC funding announced

A new approach to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Information, Linkages and Capacity (ILC) Building program is set to be implemented in 2019.
ILC is a fundamental aspect of the NDIS, designed to empower people with disability to access their community and achieve their goals.
The Federal Government has already invested $82.7 million over the last two years in organisations that deliver activities that promote the inclusion of people with disability.
Between 2019 and 2022 more than $398 million in funding will be made available for initiatives that engage the community, strengthen the capacity of people with a disability and build inclusion across the country.
ILC grants will provide funding across four key areas – each designed to support people living with a disability to live more accessible and connected lives.
“To support the transition to the new approach to ILC funding, the Liberal National Government will commit $26m in one-off funding to the states and territories so they can assist the organisations they currently fund transition.”
The new approach to ILC will be delivered through four complementary programs:
· Individual Capacity Building Program – delivered through a national network of Disabled Peoples Organisations and Families Organisations (DPOs/FOs);
· National Information Program – providing accessible, quality and consistent information about disability types and service and support options;
· Mainstream Capacity Building Program – working to change the way that mainstream services are better connected to NDIS participants, so that people with disability can use these services alongside everyone else; and
· Economic and Community Participation Program – working to increase the social and economic participation, including employment outcomes, of people with disability.
A further $19 million in funding will be made available through a discrete ILC grant round in early 2019 for projects which enable economic participation for people with disability through improved employment opportunities.
Programs under the new ILC approach will be commissioned from March 2019, starting with the National Information Program. The remaining three programs – individual capacity building, mainstream capacity building and economic and community participation – will be commissioned progressively from May 2019.
Read the full ministerial release here.
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It’s good to know I can get what I need, not being told when my therapies are, or where I’m going. In the past, that’s how it’s been. As I see it, the NDIS is the only way to go.
Giovanni, NDIS participant